INVOCATION, solo exhibition at Galerie in der Wassermühle Trittau, 2025
"The children and the houses and the dresses are all wearing bows and all the girls are trying to wear jewelry • Everyone is trying to look through everything and everyone is trying to be seen as anything else than what they are • Madam, refer, mom, level, civic, wow, Hannah, noon
• I liked your smile, whatever it was about.
The fish are crying because they have water in their eyes • The birds are dreaming because they are flying •The dogs are beggars because of their good noses • The letter is a secret unless you know about it, the necklace is a secret unless you know about it, the island is a secret unless you know about it, the woman is a secret unless you know about her. ...
... The bows are looking like ghosts • The balloons are looking like choked ghosts • The silk looks like the black night •The night looks like the ocean • The bows feel like friends."
Excerpt from the exhibition text by Karoline Franka Foldager

Exhibition view "Conrad Hübbe - Invocation", Galerie in der Wassermühle Trittau 2025, © Stiftungen der Sparkasse Holstein / Foto: Hayo Heye